Celebrating Design Day

Each year, the Michigan State University College of Engineering hosts an all-day engineering extravaganza where students from all majors in the college can show off their senior capstone projects. The students partner with real companies—including big wigs like Amazon, Dow, Union Pacific, Ford, and more—to solve real-life engineering conundrums and get a taste for what lies ahead in their bright futures.
During the event, peers, families, and professors all take a gander at the projects and marvel at the innovative ways these students are solving the great engineering questions of our time.

This spring, Design Day celebrated its 25th year (just like us!) For the past 17 years, Iain Bogle, our creative director, has designed the handout materials for the bi-annual event.

The big kahuna of all of the Design Day pieces is the booklet. With the sharp, professional look of a magazine, this piece dedicates a page to each student’s project and includes information about College of Engineering initiatives and awards. The booklet not only informs event attendees, but is a lasting momento for students and their families. It also serves as a not-too-shabby tool for recruiting new students, professors, and business partners to the college.

While Iain enjoys laying out and designing the book each year, his favorite part of the whole process is reading about the student’s impressive projects.

“It’s inspiring stuff,” he said. “It strikes me how these students work together to solve problems for these real-world companies. The company benefits and the students gain great experience.”

At BCP, we want our clients to get the most of our deliverables. The booklet designs are spun off into other pieces, including posters that each student can present next to their project, as well as building maps and schedules for visitors.

“I truly enjoy finessing our process to make each year stronger than the last,” Iain said. “Working on Design Day is a delight each year.”

Happy 25th to the MSU College of Engineering Design Day! Here’s to 25 more!